
Plymouth prepares for new Care Act

Residents in Plymouth who need care and support will be affected by changes in Government legislation.

The Care Act 2014, which comes into effect in April 2015, brings new duties for local authorities, along with new rights for both service users and carers.

Under the Care Act, people will be entitled to an assessment for their care and support needs, as will their carers. In...

New standards for home care in Plymouth

New standards are to be put in place in Plymouth for people who require care at home.

Plymouth City Council is working together with NHS Northern, Eastern, Western (NEW) Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to drive up standards in domiciliary care. Council Cabinet has agreed in principle to a new improved contract, at its meeting on Tuesday 11th November.

Under the...

School for disabled being investigated by police

The Dame Hannah Rogers School for Disabled in Ivybridge is being investigated by the police over concerns of safeguarding.

Ofsted temporarily suspended services, which will last at least until the 16th of September. The school’s trust said it followed a referral it made about the unit which is able to accommodate 40 students with both physical and learning difficulties.


Patients report high levels of confidence in those caring for them

According to the latest independent survey the majority of patients treated at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust feel they have been treated with dignity and respect and given emotional support during their episode of care. They also report high levels of confidence in those caring for them.

The Trust improved its score from the last inpatient survey in 2012 in 39 areas, also scoring higher...

Leadership programme for care home managers to be launched

A pilot scheme designed to ensure that our most vulnerable residents receive high quality care from the top down is being launched.

Plymouth City Council, in partnership with NEW Devon Clinical Commissioning Group and Plymouth Community Health Care, is launching its leadership programme, which will initially be piloted in 15 care homes before being rolled across the city. It will be...

Plymouth praised for adoption scorecard results

Plymouth has been praised for being one of only 36 councils across the country to meet tough new government standards for adoption by continuing to reduce the amount of time children wait for new families.

This year’s national adoption scorecards from the Department for Education, which compare the performance of council adoption services across the country, show steady year-on-year...

Patients encouraged to help ease pressures on the NHS by self caring

A new poster campaign aimed at helping patients get the help they need this winter has been launched by the British Medical Association. The posters, distributed to all GP practices across the South West encourages patients to self-care , for example when suffering from colds or sore throat, rather than visiting their local GP or A&E.

The campaign comes at a time when excess...

Alison Seabeck MP expresses concern about support for those with Diabetes

Diabetes UK calls for Government action to end the postcode lottery of diabetes healthcare, which is fuelling a major health crisis.

Ms Seabeck attended Diabetes UK’s parliamentary launch of its State of the Nation 2013 report, which has highlighted huge regional variations in people’s ability to access quality diabetes healthcare. The report also shows that while there have been...

Young people can be fostered for longer

The government has announced that children in care will be able to stay with foster families until they turn 21.

Young people in care will still be able stay with foster families after they turn 18, following a new legal duty for councils to provide support.

£40 million over the next three years has been set aside to help local authorities provide the required financial support...

Record numbers of child adoptions in England

New figures show that almost 4,000 children in care were adopted in 2012 - an increase of 15% and the highest ever since records began.

The annual 'looked-after children' statistics show that 3,980 children were adopted across England between April 2012 and March 2013, up from 3,470 the previous year. This is higher than in any year since 1992, when comparable records began.

