A charity dedicated to helping the homeless will be able to provide homes to rent thanks to Plymouth City Council’s innovative Social Enterprise Investment Fund.
PATH, Plymouth Access to Housing has been awarded £127,500 under the fund to enable the charity to buy and lease properties.
The fund means the charity can expand its offer to help the homeless in Devon by providing...
Over £2,300,000 of developer contributions are to be allocated to a number of projects designed to help the city grow and flourish.
A number of delegated decisions have been signed off this week following a meeting of the Council’s Capital Investment Board – which meets every month to allocate capital funding or authorise more detailed work to various projects.
Ridgeway School has been awarded £2 million for building improvements.
The money has come from two Capital Improvement bids that were submitted to the Education Funding Agency earlier this year.
The first project will be to provide a two storey extension that will house a state-of-the art Performing Arts Centre. This new building will have music classrooms, practice rooms,...
Plymouth City Council has been awarded £60,000 of Government funding to deal with rogue landlords.
The news comes after the council submitted a bid to the Department for Communities and Local Government's Rogue Landlords Fund. The additional funding will support existing work and enable more to be done with trading standards, voluntary providers supporting tenants, and working with...
After a successful first year helping South West social ventures to grow and flourish, applications have now opened for an exciting new programme of Seedbed investment and support for 2016.
Now in its second year, the £1.2 million Seedbed accelerator programme is looking to recruit 25 ambitious social ventures from across the region by the end of January.
A huge programme of school improvement works at three city schools will get under way this year.
The building works totalling £1,184,500 have been approved by Council Leader Tudor Evans from the City Council’s Investment Board, to meet the cost of urgent building improvement works at Mount Tamar, Mount Wise Primary and Compton Primary Schools.
GAIN, the South West Growth, Acceleration and Investment Network is looking for all start-ups, innovators, disruptors to invest £30,000 as matchfunding to help business growth.
GAIN has partnered with the UK's #1 rewards crowdfunding platform, Crowdfunder, to find brilliant businesses based in Devon, Cornwall, Isles of Scilly or Somerset who have a product, service or approach that is...
Two Devon churches have received grants from the National Churches Trust which will help to ensure their future.
St George’s Church in Modbury has received £20,000, which will help fund major repairs to the roof. The work will ensure the Grade I listed building, dating back to the 13th century, is warm and dry and can continue as a widely used community facility.
Devon and Cornwall’s Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Hogg has welcomed calls for an independent panel to advise the Government on future proposals for police funding.
A report published by the Home Affairs Select Committee says accounting firms, financial experts and the College of Policing should be appointed to assist the Home Office in formulating revised proposals.
Plans to breathe new life into parts of the city’s stunning waterfront have been given a boost from the Coastal Communities Revival Fund.
A project to tidy up unused Edwardian bathing facilities to the east of Tinside and transform shore side buildings into a unique location for pop up shops in the summer can now get off the ground, thanks to a £50,000 grant.