
Police train call handlers to deal with suicidal callers

Call handlers at Devon & Cornwall Police are receiving enhanced training to deal with calls from distressed people threatening suicide

The move follows an increase in calls from distraught people threatening to harm themselves.

A core team of employees attended a specially adapted course designed to give them the knowledge and skills to better deal with intense phone...

CCTV appeal after pub handbag theft

Plymouth detectives would like to hear from anyone who knows the identity or whereabouts of either of the two men pictured in CCTV stills.

Officers would like to talk to them about a handbag theft that took place at around 1.30am in the Two Trees pub on Union Street on Sunday 1st February.

The handbag is described as a black, clutch-style bag which contained some bank notes, a...

TV and Xbox taken in Plymouth burglary

Detectives are appealing for information after a TV and Xbox were stolen from a Plymouth community centre.

The Woodfield Community Resource Centre was broken into sometime between 4.15pm on Friday 6 February and 4.30am on Monday 9 February.

A flat screen Samsung 47 inch black TV was stolen, along with an Xbox 360 games console, controllers and an Xbox Kinect device.


#RU2drunk pilot could be expanded

#RU2drunk pilot could be expanded The success of a police pilot project in Torquay where doormen at licensed premises breathalysed suspected drunks could see the scheme implemented across Devon and Cornwall.

#RU2drunk was piloted in 23 of Torquay’s key nightspots during December to see if it helped reduce alcohol fuelled incidents and it resulted in a 39 per cent drop in violent crime...

MP challenges use of police cells to detain mental health sufferers

Once again, Alison Seabeck, Labour MP for Plymouth Moor View, has challenged Government Ministers over the use of police cells for detaining people with mental health issues, particularly children and young people. She was worried that the Minister seemed to have only just become concerned and wanted to "learn lessons" post the recent case, highlighted by the Herald, which occurred in Torbay...

Zero tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

Devon and Cornwall Police, alongside partners, are supporting the International day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) on Friday 6 February.

Events will be going on across the globe with conferences, art shows and community workshops to raise awareness about FGM.

The NJennni campaigners will be giving out free cupcakes in the centre of Plymouth this Thursday...

Heroic pair save stranger in bridge fall

Police have praised the bravery of two members of the public who went into freezing waters to save the life of a man who jumped off the Tamar Bridge on Tuesday night (27 January).

Sergeant Ryan Canning (pictured) was called to the bridge around 8pm and found a group of runners talking to the man who was on the wrong side of the walkway railings.

But despite negotiations the 24-...

Man wanted for breach bail conditions

Police are seeking a 21-year-old Plymouth man who is wanted for breaching his court bail conditions.

Thomas Allen (pictured), who was originally charged with affray, is sought for failing to comply with curfew conditions imposed by Plymouth Crown Court last September.

Police believe he is in the Plymouth area and are asking the public to look out for him and report any...

Woman’s necklaces taken during robbery

Police in Plymouth are appealing for witnesses after a woman’s necklaces were taken during a robbery.

On Friday 16 January at around 9.15pm a 43-year-old local woman was walking home alone from the Herbert Pub in Stoke after attending a funeral that day.

She was approached by a man as she was walking across the rear courtyard which runs between Herbert Street and the Keat...

Crime continues to fall across the region

The latest figures for 2014 show that crime continues to fall across the region.

Recorded figures for January to December 2014 showed a decrease of 3.2% or 2,747 fewer offences compared to 2013, with reductions across a number of crime groups.

The updated picture shows the Force continues to see reductions in public order offences (down by 14.8%), theft (-10.7%), Burglary (-5.7...
