Local environmental charity Devon CPRE is putting its weight behind a Private Member’s Bill to make it compulsory for developers to put solar panels on the rooftops of new build housing, and it’s urging people in the South West to take action to ensure their MP helps get the legislation through Parliament.
MP Max Wilkinson has instigated the New Homes (Solar Generation) Bill, nicknamed...
Changes to planning policy could turbocharge the rollout of solar energy and help reduce reliance on gas at little or no cost to the public purse, analysis by CPRE, the national countryside charity has shown. It’s urging the government to target rooftops, car parks and brownfield sites for a rapid expansion of renewables.
The Devon branch of the charity, Devon CPRE, has been fighting...
The Devon branch of the countryside charity CPRE is issuing a defiant call to arms - highlighting the blatant inconsistencies in the Planning system that are allowing solar development on thousands of acres of Best and Most Versatile (BMV) land that the Government says should be protected and prioritised for food production.
The small independent charity is ramping up its campaign to...
Government proposals to cut subsidies to large solar farms could be extremely detrimental for the South West, according to one of the Westcountry’s leading renewable energy lawyers.
In a move which would end the current system two years early, the proposal is to force owners of solar power installations which are larger than 5 megawatts to compete with other renewable energy...