Year 13 A level students who left Ridgeway School last year came back recently for an evening of celebration.
Around 60 guests were welcomed to the A level presentation evening by Principal Lisa Boorman and last year’s Head of Post 16, Jason Ryder. Jason spoke personally about each student as they collected their A level certificates.
A new pilot scheme to help keep people safe on nights out in Plymouth’s Waterfront Business Improvement District (BID) has been launched.
The Evening Ambassadors is a joint scheme funded by Plymouth Waterfront Partnership, Plymouth City Council, the Safer Plymouth Partnership, and the Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner. The Ambassadors will patrol the area and be...
Devonport Market Hall could come under council ownership and opened for a social enterprise venture as part of an unusual transfer deal offered by the Homes and Communities Agency ('HCA').
Plymouth City Council’s Cabinet is being asked to consider buying the empty grade 2 listed building and surrounding land for a pound and in return, be eligible for £2.57 million funding under the...