In bed with the Queen: Elizabeth I and the Politics of Intimacy
Dr Anna Whitelock, Royal Holloway, University of London
Dr Anna Whitelock is a historian, author and broadcaster. She is a Reader in Early Modern History and is Director of the Centre for Public History, Heritage and Engagement with the Past at Royal Holloway, University of London. She is a regular media commentator on the Tudors, the monarchy, royal bodies, royal succession, gender and politics as well as on public history and heritage. Her books include, Mary Tudor: England’s First Queen, and most recently Elizabeth’s Bedfellows: An Intimate History of the Queen’s Court, from which this evening’s lecture is derived.
Date/time: Tuesday 23 February, 19:00
Venue: Theatre 2, Roland Levinsky Building
Ticket info: £6.60 / £4.50 / Free to Peninsula Arts Friends and Historical Association members
Ticket discounts available via Artory app