Canine Capers in City Oasis
Is your Fido fantastic, your Pooch perfect? Or perhaps your Mutt hides a bit of magic. Whatever their talents, now’s their chance to get some canine shine. A unique event in one of Plymouth’s favourite parks is a definite doggy diary date on Sunday July 16th 10-4pm
Victoria Park in Millbridge is hosting ‘Bark In The Park’ for you to enjoy a day out with like minded people who adore their pets.
Michelle Quintrell, chair of the Victoria Park Community Project tells us:
“Our park a real magnet for owners and their families, especially now that we have our very own dog friendly Park Pavilion Café. Our event will celebrate just how dear our pets are to us and will provide lots of fun and entertainment too.”
As well as a dog show, there will also be stalls, and stands of all sorts – not just doggy stuff. A Treasure Hunt, Ugly Bug Ball fancy dress and Bouncy Castle will be on hand for the youngsters and cakes and bric-a-brac etc will keep the adults happy. Plus the all new Agility For Dummies is for dogs and handlers to enjoy a light-hearted take on getting around an obstacle course.
Anyone interested in table space (very cheap at £5-8 only) can contact Michelle on 07718935690 or email her on michellequintrelle@btinternet.com