Coast and Country: Have your say
Rural and coastal communities face a number of unique problems that are often misunderstood by the politicians in London who set national policy. ‘Coast and Country: Have your Say’ is a free public meeting, giving you an opportunity to share your concerns about the challenges of living in rural and coastal South West Devon and beyond. Following your participation in themed discussions, our expert panel will hear and respond to the issues you raise. The panel includes politicians and researchers who are experienced in marine, coastal and rural policy.
The outcomes of the meeting will be used to inform campaigning in Devon and to improve rural and coastal policy. All are welcome and refreshments will be provided. We want to learn about the problems being faced right now in your communities.
Clare Moody MEP, Member of the European Parliament for the South West and Gibraltar. Clare sits on the Foreign Affairs Committee, Security and Defence Committee, Industry, Research and Energy Committee, and Women's Rights and Gender Equality Committee. Before her election, Clare spent her working life as a trade unionist representing workers in a wide variety of industries. She also worked in Downing Street when Gordon Brown was Prime Minister.
Dr. Abigail McQuatters-Gollop, plankton ecologist and lecturer in marine conservation at Plymouth University. Abigail’s research focuses on marine ecological responses to climate change and the subsequent integration of results into the policy process. She also sits on the British Ecological Society Brexit Policy Working Group.
Tobias Phibbs, Researcher at the Fabian Society specialising in rural matters and author of 'Labour Country', a report looking at how Labour can overcome its rural problem.
Further speakers tbc
Chaired by Pam Buchan, Plymouth City Councillor; PhD researcher at Exeter University investigating marine citizenship - how individuals contribute to good marine environmental health.
Car share and contact: We want this meeting to be accessible. If you want to attend but will have difficulty getting there please drop us a line saying where you live. If you have a spare seat in your car please let us know. We will try and match you up.
Pam Buchan, pam4plymouthlabour@gmail.com 07764492220