Film: The Invisible Woman (12A)
Ralph Fiennes’ second film as director is based on the true story of the secret affair between Charles Dickens, at the height of his career and fame, and Nelly Ternan, an actress 27 years his junior. Fiennes stars as the great man, warm, charismatic and tirelessly energetic when he meets Nelly (Felicity Jones) starring in a play, and slowly the pair begin a cautious relationship. Abi Morgan's (The Iron Lady, Shame) brilliant and intelligent script reveals the moral dilemma for Dickens and Nelly's impossible situation. Period dramas don't get much better than this - much more than a classic love story, it portrays the privileged atmosphere of the time, and the unspoken psychological, political and social currents beneath the surface.
Fri 14 March 6pm
Sat 15 March 8pm
Sun 16 March 5.30pm
Tues 18 March 8.30pm
Wed 19 March 2.30pm & 6pm
Thur 20 March 6pm and 8.30pm
Dir. Ralph Fiennes, UK, 2013, 111 mins.
Cast. Ralph Fiennes, Felicity Jones, Kristin Scott Thomas, Tom Hollander.
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