Talk: Cirque Des Oiseaux, Maria Mcmanus

Tuesday 7 February, 19:00
Theatre 2, Roland Levinsky Building, Plymouth University
£6/£4.20/Friends free
Discounts available via the Artory App and free to Plymouth University students via SPiA

‘… even carrion crows sing love-songs.’

In ancient Greece and Rome designated ‘Augurs’ determined the ‘Auspices’, the will of the gods, by interpreting the flight patterns of birds. In Cirque des Oiseaux – ‘circus of the birds’ – Maria McManus offers a contemporary take on this ancient practice. Belfast-based poet, McManus is the author of We Are Bone, The Cello Suites, and Reading the Dog. Her work has been translated and performed across Europe.

Event Date

Tuesday, February 7, 2017 - 19:00


Theatre 2, Roland Levinsky Building, Plymouth University


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