Jessica and the Rabbits
Popular local band Jessica and the Rabbits will be following on from last April's hugely successful 'Music for Mesothelioma' fundraiser by holding a 'More Music for Mesothelioma' gig to raise funds and awareness for those affected by asbestos related cancer.
Dean Cruickshanks, Head of the Asbestos Team at Wolferstans who have sponsored the event said, 'Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy a fantastic evening of rock 'n' roll and old time soul whilst at the same time helping raise awareness of this dreadful disease that affects Plymouth and the South West so enormously.
Tickets are £7.00 and available for purchase on the door. Further information can be obtained by contacting Wally Wright on 01752 601750.
The South West Mesothelioma Support group holds monthly meetings for those diagnosed or affected by Mesothelioma plus other asbestos related conditions. New members are welcome. Anyone requiring information about the support group can contact Mesothelioma Clinical Nurse Specialist Christine Jones on 01752 763665 or christine.paterson4@nhs.net
The South West Mesothelioma Support Group and details of their forthcoming events can also be found on Facebook or Twitter @SWMesoSupport.