Fly tippers face hefty fines in Plymouth
Fly-tippers in Plymouth will now face £400 fixed penalty notices.
The decision has now been approved to impose the maximum level allowed under new powers granted to local authorities by the government last month.
Fixed penalty notices of £400, reduced to £300 if paid within 10 days, will now be issued for small-scale offences such as dumping waste, bags of rubbish, pieces of furniture, old televisions or mattresses.
Councillor Dave Downie, Cabinet Member for Safer and Stronger Communities said: “These new fixed penalty notices help us to target offenders without the need to take certain cases to court, whilst also sending out a clear message that such inconsiderate behaviour will not be tolerated in our city. We will not hesitate to take action against those who believe they are above the law, including pursuing prosecution where necessary and where there is compelling evidence.”
It’s hoped the tough new penalties will act as a deterrent to people and also save the Council time and money in punishing offenders as they will provide a quicker alternative to prosecuting fly-tippers through the courts.
Councillor Downie added: “There are number of different ways people can dispose of their rubbish in Plymouth. We have two recycling centres open seven days a week, as well as a bulky waste collection service where for a charge of just £20 the Council will remove up to three items including, sofas, fridges and ovens. There is simply no excuse for people to dump their rubbish for others to clean up.
“I would also encourage people to contact us if they see anyone fly tipping, it’s often difficult for us to take action when we don’t know who is responsible so please, if you see anyone or can identify a vehicle then please contact us using the new self-service website.”
You can find out more about the Council’s recycling centres here www.plymouth.gov.uk/recyclingcentres.htm to book a bulky waste collection call 01752 304750.
This decision is made under delegated authority and is subject to call in by scrutiny.