New football facilities for north of Plymouth
Over half a million pounds is going to be spent on brand new football facilities for the north of the city.
Council leader Tudor Evans has agreed to spend the money on new playing pitches and changing rooms at a new hub in Bond Street, Southway, for players from young children to adults to enjoy the beautiful game close to home.
The facilities will include a senior pitch, two junior pitches, a mini pitch together with changing facilities and car parking. It will also be available for education and community activities.
The announcement comes only a few weeks after the city unveiled its Plan for Playing Pitches, a long-term look at where sports pitches could be located as the city expands.
The new facilities will improve an existing poor quality pitch that regularly floods and has been out of action for many seasons. The aim is to bring it back into use and provide high standard facilities.
Cabinet member for Streetscene Councillor Brian Vincent said: “We’ve recently launched our Plan for Playing Pitches and it’s fantastic to make progress on one of the key sites.
Pitches play an enormous contribution in keeping our residents healthy, feeling good about themselves, socialising and enjoying their free time.”
Signing the delegated decision today, Council leader Tudor Evans added: “We want Plymouth to be an even better place to live and we want everyone to have access to decent facilities – which is why I’m more than happy to authorise spending this significant amount for the north of the city. It’s great news for the families who live there.”
The pitches aim to make up for the loss of playing pitches following the closure of Tamerton Vale and Southway primary schools in 2011. Both sites are to be disposed of for housing development, but proceeds from the sale of land will to go towards this project.
The Plan for Playing Pitches outlines the priorities for football, rugby, cricket and hockey in the city. For information visit www.plymouth.gov.uk/planforpitches.
The decision is made under delegated authority and is subject to call-in by scrutiny.