
What sporting activities would you spend £16,800 on in Aylesbeare?

Aylesbeare’s residents, voluntary groups and other organisations are being asked for their ideas on how to spend £16,800 on outdoor sports facilities in the parish.

East Devon District and Aylesbeare Parish Councils are inviting everyone in the village to send in their ideas on how to spend the money.

The funds – Section 106 money - have been collected by East Devon District...

New football facilities for north of Plymouth

Over half a million pounds is going to be spent on brand new football facilities for the north of the city. Council leader Tudor Evans has agreed to spend the money on new playing pitches and changing rooms at a new hub in Bond Street, Southway, for players from young children to adults to enjoy the beautiful game close to home. The facilities will include a senior pitch, two junior pitches, a...

Council to invest £11m in children's centres

Plymouth is set to invest just over £11 million into six new contracts to provide much-loved community-based services for 0-five year olds from children’s centres across the city.

A report to Cabinet yeseterday explained how this investment will prompt new working arrangements that will mean more joined up services with health and other providers so that families with young children...