Have your say on football pitch plans
Families and football fans in the north of Plymouth are being invited to view exciting plans to create top-notch football facilities in the neighbourhood.
An exhibition is taking place at Southway Library next Wednesday 23 March to give local people a clear idea about the proposals for the new-look facilities.
The Council wants to create a senior pitch, two junior pitches, a mini pitch together with changing facilities and car parking in what will become the main centre for football in the north of the city and enable players to progress from junior to senior teams.
Councillor Brian Vincent, Cabinet member for Street Scene said: “We’ve set aside over half a million pounds for brand new football facilities for north of the city. We’ve put together some plans but want people who are likely to use the pitches to let us know what they think before we formally submit them for planning consent.
“These facilities will enable players of all ages and abilities to enjoy the game, get fit and have fun at the same time in a location that’s near to home.
The new facilities will improve an existing poor quality pitch that regularly floods and has been out of action for many seasons.
Councillor Vincent added: “We have a Plan for Playing Pitches and this is one of the key sites we are looking at. Pitches play an enormous role in keeping our residents healthy, feeling good about themselves, socialising and enjoying their free time.”
The pitches aim to make up for the loss of playing pitches following the closure of Tamerton Vale and Southway primary schools in 2011. Both sites are to be disposed of for housing development, but proceeds from the sale of land will to go towards this project.
The consultation at the library runs from 3pm to 7.30pm
If you can’t make the event, you can view the plans online at www.plymouth.gov.uk/southwayfootballhub