Stand up to domestic abuse
The Safer Cornwall Partnership has launched a campaign in partnership with the South West based charity First Light and Pirate FM urging people to stand up to domestic abuse.
A series of adverts on Pirate FM is reinforcing the message that domestic abuse is not acceptable. Further information is now available on a special web page on Pirate FM’s site https://www.piratefm.co.uk/advice-from-devon-and-cornwall-police.php showing a video of how domestic abuse can impact on the victim and providing information about where victims and survivors can seek help.
Domestic abuse is the misuse of power and control by one person over another. It can begin at any time, can be obvious or subtle and can happen suddenly or gradually.
It is not just about physical violence – it can be emotional, psychological, sexual or even financial. It can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or sex and Devon and Cornwall Police would encourage people to come forward and seek help. It is extremely important not to tolerate violence or abuse towards women or men and the Safer Cornwall Partnership wants to be able to do something to help prevent and challenge this type of behaviour.
Tom Dingwall, Chief Executive of First Light said: “We’re really pleased to be working with Pirate FM and Safer Cornwall to raise the profile of domestic abuse in Cornwall. Domestic abuse is an unacceptable crime, and it can often take courage to report it and seek support. Whether you’re affected directly, are a concerned friend or relative or a professional seeking advice, First Light has trained professionals ready to support you. We’re a registered charity and independent of other agencies.”
First Light is an independent charity that supports thousands of people each year affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence across Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. For more information go to www.firstlight.org.uk.
Further information is also available from:
Domestic abuse helpline for Cornwall and IOS: 0300 777 4777.
The Safer Cornwall webpages on domestic abuse have a wealth of useful information. Go to http://safercornwall.co.uk/what-we-do/dasv-hub/
Devon and Cornwall Police website also has a lot of useful information including how to report domestic abuse https://www.devon-cornwall.police.uk/advice/threat-assault-abuse/domesti...