Are women still purchasing magazines in print?
A Plymouth student is investigating whether women still purchase glossy magazines in print.
Caitlin Green, who is studying journalism at the University of St Mark and St John, is researching whether women still buy their glossy magazines in print or if they are now downloading them on devices such as Ipads and e readers.
Caitlin is urging the people of Devon to get involved with her study by completing two questionnaires.
Caitlin, who lives in Exeter, said: “I have an IPad and read the majority of news online, but when it comes to pleasure I love to purchase a print magazine.”
“I don’t feel like I’ve bought anything when I purchase digitally and I’m interested to see if other women out there feel the same.”
To find out if women still read their magazines in a print format Caitlin has created two questionnaires. She hopes that the response she receives from these questionnaires will aid her dissertation research.
To take these questionnaires please visit BOTH http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FY8HFQW and http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FHHWNNW.