Students at Plymouth High School are celebrating after opening their A-Level results today
Students and staff at Plymouth High are celebrating after receiving their A-Level grades.
This year, despite the challenges caused by the pandemic, students have excelled. Plymouth High, part of the Thinking Schools Academy Trust, is celebrating a year of strong results for students. Whilst all students have performed well, and the school is proud of them all, there are some standout achievements:
- Aimee Field was awarded four A* grades in Chemistry, Law, Mathematics and Further Mathematics and has secured a place at Oxford University to read Chemistry.
- Ellie Ridley was awarded three A* grades in History, Psychology and Religious Studies and a B grade in her Extended Project and has secured a place at Cambridge University to read Human, Social and Political Sciences.
- Leanne Joardar achieved four A* grades in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Extended Project and will be going to Sheffield University to read Medicine.
- The following were awarded three A* grades - Grace Dobbie, Annabel Lavelle, Saffron Leyreloup, Leanna Shiels, Isabella Spicer, Ymma Thomas and Layla Tyrrell.
- In total, 26 of Plymouth High’s students are today celebrating achieving at least three A grades.
Students at the school, worked very hard throughout what has been a challenging year and the school say they thoroughly deserve their success.
Due to the pandemic, the Government made the decision that this year, young people’s grades would be determined by teachers, based on work they had produced throughout their courses. These grades were then moderated and assessed by external exam boards who awarded the final grades.
Collecting her A Level results today, Georgia said: “I’m thrilled, I got into my first-choice university”.
Annabel, another student collecting her results, was keen to share: “Revision works! Thanks to all the staff who helped me get these great results!”
Phoebe, also received her graded today and enthused: “I smashed it! I’m so happy”.
Simon Underdown, Headteacher at Plymouth High, said: “I am delighted for our students, they have approached their studies with diligence and resolve, showing themselves to be determined and capable people. I wish our leavers every success as they move forward to the next stage in their lives and know that they will make a difference wherever they go. We are excited to see what the future holds for them and would like to say a huge thank you to all our students, parents, carers, staff and local community for your support and encouragement.”
Stuart Gardner, CEO of Thinking Schools Academy Trust, added: “I am delighted for our students at Plymouth High. They have worked exceptionally hard, and it is great to see them excited about their future. Well done to all!”