Bladder and Bowel event to take place in Plymouth
The eighth Bladder and Bowel Event (BABE) is set to take place on Friday 22 June 2018.
BABEs are aimed at supporting people with bladder and bowel problems and are organised by staff from our colorectal, urological and gynaecological teams.
The event will take place at the Future Inn, Derriford and will include various talks by health specialists from University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust. Tea and coffee will be served from 9.30am and the event will run 10am to 12.30pm.
“These events were set up by our staff as a way of supporting patients with bladder and bowel issues, and a means to offer education sessions about how people can manage their symptoms,” explains Annie Cornelius, Pelvic Floor Nurse, Colorectal.
“Bladder and bowel issues do not need to be a taboo subject. We hope that by offering these meetings, we are helping to remove the stigma around these issues.”
The Uro-gynae team will be on hand to help answer questions on the day The event next week will include talks and discussions concerning overactive bladder, sexual dysfunction, the effects of neurological conditions and how physiotherapists can help. Rectal irrigation and Sacral Nerve Stimulation (SNS) will also feature.
“The topics are always quite varied. This month we are running lots more shorter sessions, to be able to cover as much as possible, but our specialists will be on hand for attendees to talk to at any point during the morning,” adds Annie.
“We are very privileged that we will have the opportunity to hear some personal experiences, in addition to talks from our specialists. We are really grateful for their support in sharing their stories.”
Lee Russell, from Ernesettle, began to suffer bladder and bowel problems after a relapse with his multiple sclerosis (MS). He will be talking about his journey after diagnosis, and how using an irrigation system has changed his day-to-day life.
“It’s made everything a whole lot easier,” said Lee. “A lot of people don’t like to talk about bladder and bowel problems, but I want everyone to realise that it’s not embarrassing – in fact it needs to be talked about, in order for people to get the help they need.”
Candice Wills, from Efford, lost full function of her bladder and bowels after a severe infection during pregnancy that spread to her sacral nerves.
“I was one hundred percent reliant on catheterisation,” said Candice. “I had such little control over the whole situation that it really affected my confidence. I stopped going out as much for fear of being too far from a toilet. I was paranoid about the embarrassment I would face if I soiled myself in public.
“I now have a sacral nerve stimulator fitted and it’s enhanced my life immeasurably. My confidence is slowly growing back.”
Candice will be talking about her experience during the event and is keen for more people to talk about their problems.
“My advice to anyone would be that things are never as bad to other people as to how it may feel for you. You will never know what the outcome will be unless you are brave and start being honest. You can then begin to learn what normal is for you, and it’s understanding that, that makes all the difference.”
There is no need to book, just come along on the day and enjoy some tea and coffee with some of our specialists. If you have any questions, you can email plh-tr.BABE@nhs.net or leave a message for the BABE Team on 01752 430033.