Healthy people wanted for dementia project
Plymouth Hospital NHS Trust's Neurology Research Team is now recruiting healthy individuals between 65 and 83 years of age to an exciting international dementia clinical research study.
The study, called TOMMORROW, aims to see if it is possible to predict if a person will develop memory problems based on a method that uses a person’s genetic status and age. It will also test the safety and efficacy of an investigational medication to see if it can delay memory problems due to Alzheimer’s disease.
To raise awareness of the study and to provide information to anyone interested in taking part, Research Nurses, Catherine Harden and Alison Anderson, were on hand in the main concourse of Derriford Hospital yesterday (9th December), answering questions and handing out leaflets about the study.
They said: “This is a really exciting new study for Plymouth to be a part of. It is at the forefront of dementia research as it is looking at prevention rather than cure.”
The research team is inviting anyone between the age of 65 and 83, in good physical and mental health, to participate. Participants will be required to have a project partner, such as a spouse, partner, close friend and or adult family member who can provide information about thinking abilities and behaviour throughout the study.
Participating in the study means that healthy individuals will be contributing to the understanding of how age and genetic factors affect the health of our minds. It also gives the opportunity for proactively monitoring cognitive health and receiving study-related care from an excellent team of doctors and researchers who specialize in mind research.
Please feel free to contact the research team on 01752 432738 or email memoryresearch@nhs.net to learn more.