Why you Might Need a Dental Bridge?
There are many reasons why someone might need a dental bridge, and there are also numerous reasons why someone might opt for one over going with a more invasive option involving surgery.
Dental bridges are a way of replacing a missing tooth with an artificial false tooth. There are two main types of dental bridges, with the first one being made of two crowns that are attached to the teeth on either side of the gap with the false tooth in the middle.
The other is for when the teeth that are adjacent to the gap are healthy and don’t need to be repaired with a crown. This is an adhesive bridge where the false tooth is placed in the gap with something called wings that are attached to the natural strong teeth using adhesive applied to the wings.
Missing teeth can cause both physical and emotional issues so it is important for these issues to be prevented or helped by going with a solution such as a dental bridge. Missing teeth can cause issues such as pain or discomfort when the individual talks or eats.
Not only that when someone lives with a missing tooth for a period of time the jawbone may start to lose bone mass which can then affect the healthy teeth causing them to come out of normal alignment. This can ultimately negatively alter the shape of the person’s face.
Dental bridges are a great way of stopping this misalignment from happening as they will help the other teeth stay in their natural position. When the gap is filled with a false tooth it stops the other teeth from shifting.
They will also help with the individual's ability to chew properly. It can be a difficult task to chew correctly when a person has a missing tooth or teeth. Quite often what will happen is that food will get stuck in the gap which can cause pain or discomfort, they will then most likely favour chewing with a part of their mouth without a gap. Sometimes when a person only uses one side of their mouth to chew problems can start to arise due to strain. A dental bridge is a great way of bringing their mouth back to full functionality.
Missing teeth can have serious detrimental effects on a person's mental and emotional health. When a person smiles and they have gaps in their teeth they might start to negatively see their own self-image. A dental bridge will be able to improve their well-being by closing up the gaps in their smile. Also, when this dealignment of the teeth happens the effect that this will have on their self-image can also be quite severe. The dental bridge will also be able to help with that.
An individual might also need a dental bridge if they are unable to go with the more invasive option of surgery. Sometimes they might not have a strong enough jawbone to be able to fully support implants. Some people might also be really averse to getting dental surgery done due to personal reasons surrounding having an invasive procedure done. Dental bridges are completely non-invasive as they are used without the need for any incisions or cuts being made to the mouth or gums.
These are the main reasons that someone might want or need to opt for a dental bridge when they are deciding on what option to go with when it comes to dealing with the issue of a missing tooth. Always consult a professional such as Gentle Dental Care for advice about getting a Dental Bridge.