4 Reasons to Get a Measured Building Survey

Sarah Parker
Authored by Sarah Parker
Posted: Saturday, May 27, 2023 - 15:06

Measured building surveys are conducted to collect and record the various structural and architectural measurements of a building. Depending on the project’s needs, the report may include measurements taken from both internal and external structures of the concerned building. This information is then utilised for several reasons that range from home/office renovation planning to archaeological archiving. Let’s take a closer look and find out why these reasons hold so much importance.

Essential for Optimising Building Renovation Projects

As measured building survey reports contain all the necessary structural and architectural measurements, architects, contractors, civil engineers, and other relevant professionals rely on them heavily. Irrespective of whether a structure is residential, commercial, or historical, having access to the building’s various internal and external measurements is required for planning successful, cost-efficient, and safe renovation projects. For a better understanding of the various processes that go into developing accurate measured building surveys, visit csw-surveys.co.uk.

Cost-Efficiency, Quality, and Safety Can All be Compromised without Measured Building Surveys

If a contractor does not have access to all the measurements they need to create the most accurate floor plans, there will be mistakes along the way. Those mistakes will need to be corrected, which will cost more money and take more time. Depending on how far along the project is at the time of a particular mistake’s discovery, the additional costs could be ridiculously high.

It isn’t unlikely that businesses at that point will try to complete the project with a makeshift fix, rather than suffering a huge loss. Makeshift fixes like that often lead to catastrophic accidents and expensive lawsuits down the line. Considering the fact that something as readily available as a measured building survey can help in avoiding all that, it makes a lot of sense why most construction businesses will not ignore their importance.

Historical Buildings are Measured, Preserved, and Excavated with the Help of Measured Building Surveys

With the help of measured building surveys, ancient buildings of historical, cultural, and/or archaeological value are recorded and even renovated when possible. Even if renovations are not a possibility, these measurements are used to keep an architecturally accurate account of the structures.

Perhaps most importantly in respect to the preservation and discovery of old buildings, measurement data from discovered portions of ancient ruins are frequently used to estimate what has not been found yet. It allows experts to safely estimate and unearth similar structures nearby, without damaging them during the excavation process.

Estimation of Practicality with Measured Building Surveys

Whether we are discussing a renovation, a modification, or an extension, estimation of practicality is one of the most important aspects in the planning stage. Estimation of practicality refers to the feasibility of goals underlined in the project. If a client wants something that cannot be done, measured building surveys help engineers and architects understand that fact.

The document itself also serves as irrefutable proof of the impracticality. Instead, the same data from the measured building survey is then used by the project team to devise alternative plans and pitch them to the client.