Charity concert raises money for RNIB Ivybridge Transcription Centre
Last month, a concert was held at Ivybridge Methodist Church to raise funds for the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) Transcription Centre in Ivybridge.
Headlining the evening were the The Kingsmen Close Harmony Chorus who have chosen RNIB as their charity of the year. The group consists of over fifty men from South West Devon from anywhere from Torquay to Plymouth, who love singing together in four-part close-harmony Barbershop style.
The Kingsmen chorus were supported at the concert by the brilliant Mandolin Ensemble of Modbury and the Manor Primary School Choir.
George Hinton, RNIB Area Fundraising Manager for the South West, said: "I'd like to say a big thank you to the Kingsmen chorus for raising nearly a thousand pounds which will significantly benefit the transcription service in Ivybridge in it's crucial work supporting blind and partially sighted people.
"The centre provides materials in braille, large print, audio and electronic formats for people with sight loss throughout the UK. There are approximately two million people in the UK who are living with sight loss who are entitled to use the service. The transcription team receive requests for all sorts of documents from instructions and recipes to letters and even wedding invites."
To find out about how you can support RNIB in the local area, contact George Hinton ongeorge.hinton@rnib.org.uk or 07751 369079.
For information, advice and support about living with sight loss, visit www.rnib.org.uk or call the charity's Helpline on 0303 123 9999.