Could you skydive to help sick children?
On Sunday 17 April 2016, 35 brave members of staff at Derriford Hospital will be standing at the edge of an open doorway, in an aircraft flying at 15,000 feet, waiting to dive through the air at over 120mph, whilst raising money and supporting the Gold Dust Appeal.
And now, members of the public and any other staff are being given the opportunity to carry out their own sponsored parachute jump, to raise money to help local children in hospital. Skydive Buzz is working with Gold Dust to offer sponsored skydives to anyone keen to raise funds.
Emma Cronin, Gold Dust Appeal Fundraising Manager, said: “I am really pleased that 35 members of our staff have taken up our original skydive challenge.
“I would now like to invite members of the public to get involved, take on this once in a lifetime experience and jump for the Gold Dust Appeal. This will help us to raise £100,000 to make life better for local children in hospital.
“It is amazing that we had such a great reaction to the staff event, and the more people that take on their own challenge, the more funds that will be raised to support this charity, allowing us to get closer to our target.”
Sam Stocker, Executive Office Administration Assistant, has decided to take part in the skydive after spending time on level 12 as a child. He said: “When I was younger, I was very injury prone and was always breaking bones or injuring myself in one way or another.
“During every visit to the hospital, whether it was in the Emergency Department or on the children’s wards, I was terrified and always wanted to get as far away from the hospital as possible. I got to the stage where I feared the hospital and would dread having to come here!
“I only found out about the Gold Dust Appeal ten months ago when I started my current role and I immediately wanted to get involved and help in any way I could. Thinking back to when I was in hospital, a more comfortable, friendly surrounding would have really helped me, so I hope people want to get involved and help if they can.”
The Gold Dust Appeal was launched to raise £100,000 to create bright, exciting and welcoming wards for local children and young people at Plymouth Hospitals. We want to be able to care for children in a stimulating and sensitive environment with bright and spacious surroundings, which will provide greater comfort and privacy for children and their families.
Colourful, themed areas engage children, distracting them from clinical procedures. Unfortunately our children's wards look tired, dated and in some areas, you wouldn't know you were even in an area for children or young people. Many of the areas don't capture the child-friendly atmosphere needed to help to provide a calmer and more reassuring environment, which can help alleviate the stress that children and parents might feel when they visit. The money raised will help us to create a friendly and inviting space.
If you would like to find out more or sign up, please visit http://bit.ly/SkydiveforGoldDust