Council reminds Plymouth residents about Easter bin collections
Plymouth City Council are reminding residents that bins need to be out on the right day over the Easter period or they will not be collected.
There will be changes to the usual collection days to take into account bank holiday arrangements.
Services will not be affected on the week beginning 25 March, but the following week, both the normal household and recycling collections will be picked up a day later. So:
Monday 1 April collections will be picked up on Tuesday 2 April
Tuesday 2 April collections will be picked Wednesday 3 April
Wednesday 3 April collections will be picked up on Thursday 4 April
Thursday 4 April collections will be picked up on Friday 5 April
Councillor Brian Vincent, Cabinet member for the Environment said: "With two bank holidays over Easter, we wanted to remind residents there are changes to the collections, but we have kept this to just one week."
The changes coincide with the start of the garden waste collection service across the city. Last year over 4,400 tonnes of garden waste were collected on the rounds, saving in disposal and landfill tax charges. The collection operates every fortnight - the same week that people's recycling is collected - and runs from the first week of April until the end of October. A calendar giving the dates of changes to collections is now available.
People who do not have access to computers can pop into one of the Council's 17 libraries and download one. Residents can also sign up to e-alerts about bins, recycling and waste.