Devon charity sets up vital Covid-19 helpline to help communities
A COVID-19 helpline has been launched by the charity Devon Communities Together to provide vital support for parish and town councils and the Devon Village Halls Community Buildings networks as they pull together their resilience plans to help support their communities.
Devon Communities Together is the Rural Community Council for Devon founded nearly 60 years ago, providing a huge range of projects and services throughout the county, helping communities help themselves. It has also supported Devon Community Resilience for many years.
Advice is available in a number of areas including protecting the isolated and vulnerable, guidance on community transport, and small registered charity grants. It is also supporting organisations and individuals who are setting up local Covid 19 networks of volunteers, and acting as a signpost for those who are looking to volunteer their time, but are unsure of whom to approach.
The charity’s CEO Elaine Cook said: “Town and Parish Councils are playing a vital role in supporting their local communities at this difficult time working to co-ordinate, support and in some cases manage the many people who are coming forward to volunteer their help.
“Similarly many village halls and community buildings are facing a crises as they see their income reducing through cancelled bookings and their volunteers who run them self isolating.”
The charity has already received many enquiries, ranging from help with leading a community response to village hall closure and employment advice.
A joint statement with Devon County Council, the Devon Association of Local Councils and all of Devon’s district, city and borough councils is as follows:
‘Devon’s town and parish councils are at the heart of our communities.
Now more than ever, your role is vital in helping people through this coronavirus pandemic and DALC, Devon Communities Together, Devon County Council, along with all the district, city and borough councils in Devon will be with you every step of the way. We are committed to working together to give you the support you need to ensure that Devon’s communities get through this outbreak.
We have pledged to doing everything in our power to help you directly and to support our communities to find ways to respond quickly and positively for everyone’s benefit.
We know what makes Devon special – it’s the people, and many of them have already leapt into action to offer help and to look out for elderly and vulnerable neighbours and those who may be self-isolating.
Towns and parish councils are among those setting up volunteer schemes to ensure people receive essential support. We want to work alongside you to build on this and support the community response that’s being established.
We are going to develop a picture of what’s going on across Devon in order to share good practice. If you are already doing something in your local area or are establishing a community response group, or if you know of local initiatives, then please let us know.
We are in this together, we will get through this together.
Together #WeAreDevon.’
People can support Devon Communities Together by setting up a direct debit, with every penny helping to put more resource in to supporting the helpline and volunteering.
The helpline is staffed 9am to 5pm on weekdays for the foreseeable future, free phone 0808 1963390 or email info@devoncommunities.org.uk.
Please also visit Devon Communities Together’s community resilience web page https://www.devoncommunities.org.uk/coronavirus-information.