Forums provide valuable support to NHS staff
Creating a culture of compassionate care is the driver behind a scheme providing support to NHS staff.
Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust has been named as one of 100 organisations to have signed up to Schwartz Rounds.
The national scheme, which was set up by the Point of Care Foundation following the Sir Robert Francis’ Inquiry, aims to help foster a culture of compassionate patient care.
The Rounds are a confidential forum for Trust staff, from all backgrounds to regularly come together to discuss the non-clinical aspects of their work. This may include the psychological, emotional and social challenges associated with caring for patients.
Chief Executive, Ann James, said: “We feel it is so important to be signed up to Schwartz Rounds. Patient care encompasses more than just the physical treatment that our staff provide. It is also the emotional and psychological support that is given to our patients and their families that makes such a difference.
“The majority of staff here are not only striving to continually provide excellent care, but so many of them are also providing a listening ear or offering support in difficult situations, for example at times of family tension, which can all have a significant impact on the staff.”
Ann added: “It’s not just about what happens on the ward or within the department our staff work, we recognise that it’s not always possible to switch off from something once they have walked out of their ward or department. Staff may find themselves running over things in their mind, worrying about someone’s situation or even questioning a decision they have made. The Rounds provide a great opportunity for staff to share these with one another, safely in a confidential environment and get the support they need.”
Plymouth Hospitals has held three Rounds since it first started in October 2014. The first 15 minutes of a Schwartz Round includes a panel of three or four staff sharing their own stories of providing care for patients – sometimes these stories focus on a particular theme and at other times it will be stories around a particular episode of care and staff experience of this.
Feedback from staff who have taken part in the Schwartz Rounds has been incredibly positive, with comments such as: “Very inclusive – I was very touched by how one patient affected so many different people in different settings.”
“Great insight into how we all want to help and feel good helping, but that we don’t always realise the importance and that if we cared for ourselves as we do our patients that we could really make a difference.”
“Invaluable sharing of experiences and emotional responses- very inspiring and human. Excellent!”