Free Comic Book Day celebrated on children’s wards
As part of Free Comic Book Day (FCBD), an international event taking place on the first Saturday of May every year, children staying on level 12 were left surprised after receiving a visit from Superman, Poison Ivy and Batman, as well as being given free comics, to celebrate the day.
A comic book fan himself, Rathan Yarlagadda, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Derriford Hospital, wanted to arrange something around FCBD for the children staying in hospital. After contacting his local comic store, The Final Frontier, they kindly agreed to donate the comics for free.
Rathan said: “There are a number of studies to show that reading comics is beneficial for children by improving their reading skills, exposing them to varied topics and issues and turning them into voracious readers. Free Comic Book Day is an international drive to encourage children to read more by distributing free comics through local comic book stores.
Free Comic Book Day
“I am extremely grateful to Julian Shelford and Sam Gardner from Final Frontier for their support and generous donation of comics. I would also like to say a special thanks to Samantha and Mark for stepping in at short notice to ensure that the children could meet Poison Ivy and Batman as well.”
Jo Cross, Play Specialist on the children’s wards, said: “It was something really different and fun, which the children enjoyed. They loved having a visit from Batman, Superman and Poison Ivy and appreciated the special comics that they were given.
“We would like to thank all involved in providing this for the children, the visit definitely brightened up their day.”