Future of Seaton Jurassic Centre to be considered
Councillors at East Devon District Council (EDDC) will be asked to ratify a decision by its Cabinet to progress a way forward for the Seaton Jurassic site.
Following a recent decision by EDDC’s cabinet to agree to the freehold disposal of the Jurassic Centre to Seaton Tramway. At its Full Council meeting on Wednesday 18 October 2023, councillors will be asked to ensure the capital receipt received by the council is reinvested in Seaton in projects relating to the natural environment and links between Jurassic Discovery and those other sites ensuring that the town benefits.
Jenny Nunn, CEO of Seaton Tramway said: “We welcome the decision made by the EDDC cabinet which if agreed by councillors at the council will give visitors and local people the attraction the area deserves bringing in much needed revenue and job creation to the local economy.
"The Jurassic Discovery will also accommodate a Dino themed soft play area as well as a visitor experience that will give visitors a snapshot of life 100 million years ago picking up the global story of the dinosaurs and why they became extinct with a mix of modern technology and animatronic exhibits from the Natural History Museum.
"It will also offer the chance to reflect on earth’s timeline and the issues we face today whilst highlighting the Jurassic Coast with a free to view area pointing to fun things to explore at our local Jurassic coastal centres.
"With Seaton Tramway as the new owners, we will build on our success as a top visitor attraction expanding on our existing offer with community and educational projects alongside our new initiatives for the exciting, new, and fun vision we have for Jurassic Discovery.”
Councillor Paul Arnott, Leader of East Devon District Council added: "We are delighted that the long and winding road to turn around this flagship centre for Seaton, the Axe Valley, and East Devon has brought us to where we are now.
"I have had the great privilege of engaging personally with the Tramway organisation to secure this viable outcome.
"We are very fortunate to have such a brilliant organisation both able and willing to take the building on to a fresh start as the Jurassic Discovery Centre. I wish Jenny and her terrific team all the best for the future and thank them for their commitment in helping achieve this outcome."
The centre had closed in September 2021 when the original operator Devon Wildlife Trust withdrew from the site. Since then, the original volunteers involved in the project, other stakeholders in the centre, Devon County Council and the Heritage Lottery Fund have come together and worked collaboratively to develop a way forward for the benefit of Seaton and the wider area.
Following completion of the sale in the next few months it is hoped that the new Jurassic Discovery will re-open ready for the 2024 visitor season.