Last chance to apply for grant to help reduce crime
Community groups in Devon and Cornwall have got just over a week to apply for a share in a £200,000 cashpot.
Applications for the first round of the small grants scheme, which aims to help small community groups which work to reduce crime and make people feel safer, must be submitted by 31 October.
Already over 60 applications have been received for grants up to £5,000 for projects.
In my Police and Crime Plan I promised to find new ways to help organisations to help themselves and I am encouraged by the early response from groups looking for grass-roots funding,
I urge anyone who is involved with an organisation or a charity whose work has a positive impact on crime prevention, safeguarding the vulnerable or community safety, to consider putting in an application and I promise it will be given full consideration.
The scheme has £200,000 to award in total with half that figure expected to be given in the first 12 months.
Successful applications will be those which evidence, in the first instance, how the bid aligns with the Police and Crime Plan and, following the award, each will be expected to show how the desired outcomes have been achieved.
There will be two rafts of grants awarded in the first year which will be announced in December 2013 and July 2014.
The closing dates for applications are October 31 2013 and May 31 2014.
Applications must be made on the application form which can be downloaded from the PCC website (www.devonandcornwall-pcc.gov.uk/Home.aspx), or those of Devon Reform (www.devonreform.org) or the Cornwall Volunteer Sector Forum (www.cornwallvsf.org) who are helping to administer the scheme.
Alternatively, application forms can be requested by ringing Ruth at Devon Reform on 01392 430228.