Local triathlon club receives vital funding from Swimathon Foundation
A local triathlon club has received vital funding from Swimathon Foundation.
Pete Wilby TriathlOn, applied for the grant as part of Swimathon Foundation’s second Covid-19 Relief Fund, announced in February, to mitigate loss of income whilst pools are closed.
The Teignmouth organisation coach juniors and adults in triathlon and open water swimming, and cater for beginners right up to competitive levels. The pandemic has caused a huge loss of income, as expenses have continued while income has dried up, and no government support was available for a long time.
Through the Swimathon Foundation grant, the organisation will be able to continue their Staff Stars programme, where swimmers nominate staff members for awards which can be earned monthly and annually. The organisation also received funding in the 2020 Covid Relief Fund.
Pete Wilby, head coach and founder, said:“I feel very privileged to receive funding once again from Swimathon Foundation. We have adapted to work during the pandemic but it has been really tough. I was pleased to secure a government backed bounce back loan in September and finally, in January, nine months into the multiple lockdowns I was helped out with government grants. But most business outgoings remained the same and some increased a lot.
“I cannot wait for the pools to reopen now, and for us and all our students and classes to get back in the water."
Swimathon Foundation has awarded grants to 148 swimming and aquatic clubs, schools, and organisations from its 2021 Covid-19 Relief Fund. The Foundation launched its first Fund in May 2020 in response to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the swimming community across Britain. Having awarded £50,000 of grants from this first Fund to over 100 organisations and individuals last year, the Foundation realised additional support was required and released a further £30,000 to aid the swimming community. In total just over 250 organisations/individuals have been supported through the two Funds.
Anthony Kendall OBE, Chair of Swimathon Foundation said: “In these difficult times for all swimming organisations, Swimathon Foundation has been determined to play its part in supporting those smaller, local groups that are the foundation of swimming participation throughout the UK. We have been taken aback by the number of people who need help during these unprecedented times and that is why we have increased our overall donation to £50,000. Swimming is a vital community activity and we are proud to play our part. Hopefully this funding means Pete Wilby TriathlOn can continue their great work.”
Swimathon Foundation is a remarkable ‘force for good’ in communities all across the UK. Its main pool-based ‘Swimathon’ has raised over £50 million for charities since it was started some 33 years ago.
‘Swimathon’ is the UK’s biggest pool-based recreational swimming event. It takes place annually at some 600 pools across the UK and some 750,000 people have taken part since the first event in 1986. As a result of coronavirus, this year’s event is now scheduled to take place later in the year.
For more information about The Swimathon Foundation, visit www.swimathonfoundation.org.