Lord Mayor and Council leader visit new homes aimed at tackling Devon’s housing crisis
The CEO of the UK’s largest housebuilder welcomed Exeter leaders to one of its newest developments to demonstrate how they are helping to reduce the acute shortage of homes across Devon.
The Lord Mayor of Exeter, Councillor Trish Oliver, and Exeter City Council leader Philip Bialyk were given a tour of Victoria Heights, Alphington, by Barratt Developments chief executive David Thomas, who is visiting the region this week.
The first residents have now moved into the new community on the outskirts of the city, part of the wider South West Exeter development. This will form a sustainable urban extension and deliver 2,500 new homes along with a full range of community facilities, shops, employment and recreation spaces, together with public transport improvements.
Barratt Homes’ new Victoria Heights development will be made up of 183 two, three and four-bedroom homes including 29 affordable homes for rent and shared ownership. The visitors were shown round the newly opened show homes, featuring specific spaces and designs to support working from home and the remaining homes under construction. They also saw the wildlife-friendly show gardens, public open space and soon to be opened children’s play area.
The Lord Mayor and Council leader were also invited to visit the development’s own custom-built bat roost, designed specifically to encourage up to five species of bat. These include the pipistrelle, long-eared and Natterer’s bats, all of which are known to roost in the area and the very rare greater horseshoe bat, whose European northern stronghold in the UK is Devon.
David Thomas, Barratt Developments’ chief executive commented:
“We are very proud of the new community here at Victoria Heights, one of six new developments we’re currently building across Devon. I was delighted to show the Lord Mayor and Council leader our highly sustainable show homes and the first occupied houses, along with the public open space, biodiversity enhancements and protections we’re putting in place. Like all of our developments, Victoria Heights is designed to meet the needs of the local community and we’re looking forward to watching it grow as more families move in.”
Speaking after the tour Lord Mayor Councillor Trish Oliver said:
“The new homes being built here at Victoria Heights have contemporary sustainable designs and come in a range of sizes. It is particularly pleasing to see the attention paid to bird boxes and bat roosts, and plenty of green space for the new community to enjoy. Importantly, new pedestrian and cycle links are planned, and I look forward to seeing residents using them for sustainable and active travel.”
Exeter City Council Leader Philip Bialyk added:
“We want to support sustainable communities and neighbourhoods that are more than just a collection of houses. I welcome the creation of new homes, along with open green space and a play area opening soon, plus the wider community facilities and infrastructure for the whole area to follow in the coming months and years.”
Ideally located on the outskirts of Exeter, but close to the open Devon countryside and beaches of Exmouth and Dawlish, Victoria Heights offers the perfect mix of town and country living that many buyers are now looking for.
The creation of the bat roost is part of Barratt Homes’ ongoing commitment to be the nation’s leading sustainable housebuilder. Existing hedgerows and trees are at Victoria Heights are also being retained, whilst new landscaped planting, additional trees, and the enhancement of pedestrian and cycle links, will all help to make this a wildlife-friendly site.
To register your interest, find out more or book a virtual or in person appointment, visit barratthomes.co.uk or call 0333 3558 491.