Managing damp and mould in your home
Damp and mould are the scourge of many a household but did you know there are simple steps you can take to cut them down?
Plymouth City Council and Plymouth Energy Community (PEC) have commissioned a new video, funded by a grant from the Department of Energy and Climate Change, to help local people manage the issue of damp and mould in their homes.
Councillor Chris Penberthy, Cabinet Member for Cooperatives, Housing and Community Safety, said: “The Council receives on average around 250 complaints from householders every year relating to damp and mould, but there are many easy things you can do to reduce damp and mould in your home.”
Alistair MacPherson, Chief Executive of PEC, said: “This short animated video aims to give people some top tips to help cut down on damp and mould – and don’t forget PEC can also give further advice and support to local people on making your homes warmer and more energy efficient.”
Condensation is caused by air with high levels of water. If it is not cleaned away it can turn into damp and mould. Signs of damp include dark stains and white fluffy powder on the walls.
Top tips for reducing damp and mould:
• Produce less moisture – covering saucepans and not leaving the kettle boiling, drying washing outside on a line or putting it in a bathroom with the door closed and the windo open or kitchen extractor fan on.
• Ventilate and remove moisture – Ensure tumble dryers are properly vented; keep a small window ajar or a trickle ventilator when someone is in the room; fitting an extractor fan where appropriate; closing kitchen and bathroom doors when those rooms are in use.
• Insulating, draft proofing and heating – Insulate your loft – making sure you draughtproof your loft hatch but do not block the openings under the eaves; consider cavity wall insulation; draught proof doors and windows; in very cold weather, keep background heating on all day.
The video can be viewed on the Plymouth Energy Community website here. http://www.plymouthenergycommunity.com/saving/damp-mould
For more information on making your home more energy efficient call PEC on 01752 477117. If you have concerns about damp and mould you can contact the private rented housing team on 01752 307075.