Nurses host event for French nursing students
Derriford Hospital welcomed a group of more than 30 student nurses from the ISF Quimper-Corouaille Nursing School, Brittany.
The second and third year nursing students who are on a European Work Exchange programme in Devon were keen to visit an acute Trust in the area so were invited to Derriford Hospital on Thursday 3 April 2014.
As part of their visit, the students met with some of our clinical educators and student nurses and heard about the nursing services we offer at Derriford Hospital and the training our student nurses and healthcare assistants undertake at the hospital.
The talks were followed by tours of the several clinical areas within the hospital, including the Medical Assessment Unit, Tavy, Mayflower, Honeyford and the orthopaedic wards.
Sharon Russell, Lead Clinical Educator from Plymouth Hospitals, said: “The visit was a real success and was enjoyable and informative for staff and students alike. With support from their interpreters, we were able to have a lively discussion about the similarities and differences in our professions.
“I would like to thank clinical educators Sarah Hockey, Sue Ives, Sue Timmins, Mandy Ostenfedlt and our students Tom, Emma, Colin and Vicky for their help in making the visit really interactive.”
The visit was coordinated through the Training Partnership Ltd Torbay Innovation Centres by the Trust’s Clinical Education Teams.