Police to run Friday night ‘Tweetathon’
For the first time, Devon and Cornwall Police will be tweeting details of alcohol-related incidents across the region that are reported on Friday night, between 8pm and 2am.
The tweets will be posted live, as incidents are reported, by staff in the call centre at Police HQ, Middlemoor.
The aim of the tweetathon is to help the public understand the variety and quantity of calls received and the resources needed to deal with alcohol-related incidents. Alongside this, tweets signposting relevant agencies for help and advice around subjects such as domestic abuse will be posted.
It is hoped the exercise will also highlight problems around excessive alcohol consumption and encourage drinkers to take responsibility for themselves and help create a safer drinking culture in our region.
Throughout the evening the Twitter hashtag #alcoholharm will be used. Information from live calls will be shared as they are received, along with information about the resources required to police these incidents. Personal safety messages relating to domestic abuse, rape and sexual offences, and anti-social behaviour will also be tweeted.
It is estimated that around 40% of all calls taken by police call handlers during the evening and night-time economy hours are to report alcohol-related incidents.
The event will coincide with a national weekend of activity around alcohol run by the Association of Police Officers (ACPO).
Assistant Chief Constable, Paul Netherton, said: “We will be tweeting a snapshot of the calls we receive, together with crime prevention advice and signposting relevant agencies during key times on Friday night.
"I think people will be interested to see how things progress as alcohol consumption starts to take its toll throughout the evening and be surprised by the number and variety of calls we receive.
"This will be an opportunity for the public to see our Force dealing with incidents and the demands placed on both officers and call centre staff. It is also an opportunity to show how we use social media to better inform the public about what we do to keep the residents of Devon and Cornwall safe.”
Superintendent Julie Whitmarsh, member of the ACPO Licensing & Reducing Alcohol Related Harm Group, added: “This is an excellent opportunity for Devon and Cornwall Police to be part of a national campaign around alcohol and will be of great interest to the public as they will be able to follow events through the course of the evening via the Force Twitter account.”
Police and Crime Commissioner, Tony Hogg, said: “Tackling alcohol-related crime is one of my top priorities and I am delighted to support this tweetathon. I feel it will be a great opportunity for the Force to raise awareness of the far reaching consequences of excessive alcohol consumption and should provide useful information about our resourcing in this important area.”