Want to take part in Lord Mayor’s Day?

It may be more than two months away but Plymouth City Council is already busy preparing for Lord Mayor’s Day and its events team wants to hear from anyone interested in taking part.

This year’s theme will be ‘The Amalgamation of the Three Towns’, marking the centenary of Devonport, Plymouth and Stonehouse joining to form Plymouth as it is known today. Anyone can get involved, from individual people to community groups, clubs and organisations.

The celebrations will take place in the city centre on Saturday 14 June and will be a chance for residents and visitors to celebrate Plymouth's history and meet the new Lord Mayor, Councillor Michael Fox, in a fantastic carnival atmosphere.

Spectators will line the streets for a spectacular walking parade featuring bright and colourful costumes, uniforms and dynamic displays, which will start at Plymouth University, progress through Cornwall Street and into New George Street before finishing on the city centre piazza.

This is the fifth year the Council has linked with the university, which will again be holding its Community Open House event on campus on the same day.

Deputy Council Leader Peter Smith said: "Lord Mayor's Day is always a great day out, with brilliant costumes, exciting demonstrations and displays, live music and performances and lots of family activities. People of all ages are guaranteed to have a fantastic time, whether taking part or just coming along to join in the fun."

Anyone can take part in the event – walking in the parade, providing music, dance or entertainment, running a charity stall, showcasing a club display or hosting a community exhibition. Whatever you would like to do the Council would like to hear from you!

For more information please call the Council's events team on 01752 306849 or email info@visitplymouth.co.uk.
