Welcome to Theatre Royal’s TR3!
Theatre Royal Plymouth are thrilled to unveil a very special new virtual space, TR3, where they are able to share updates on the amazing community work they are continuing to do during these difficult times.
This launch is giving people a place where they can stay connected, be creative and support each other, and the wonderful Theatre. At TR3 you will discover what the teams have been up to, get inspired by some fantastic creative initiatives, and hear from some of their friends across the industry.
Many of the Theatre’s community projects are continuing during the lockdown, in particular their work to support vulnerable people in the city who are recovering from addiction or homelessness, which is now more important than ever. Theatre Royal Plymouth are ensuring that there is still a place for people to come together, even during this time apart.
TR3 will also be hosting some fantastic creative resources for teachers, parents and artists to help support even more of the community who have found normal life turned up-side-down.
The Theatre are so grateful to all their patrons for their kind words and patience while they navigate through these difficult times. TRP staff are working tirelessly to contact all people affected by show cancellations and postponements and are posting updates on their website to keep people informed as the weeks go on.
Theatre Royal Plymouth last week launched an Emergency Fundraising Appeal as they face an uncertain future during these difficult times.
A spokesperson from the Theatre said: “The Coronavirus pandemic means that we have closed our doors to the public for the first time in our 37 years. We just don’t know how long we will have to be closed for, and every show cancelled is a loss to the Theatre and to the income we rely on.
“We need your help now to keep the theatre going through this tough time when our stages are dark and our workshops empty. With no shows on, our already stretched income has all-but-disappeared but our community work makes a huge difference to people’s lives which is why we’re asking for support. We absolutely understand how difficult times are for everyone right now and hope we can all return to work and normal life soon”.
If you would like to support the Theatre by making a donation you can visit their Emergency Appeal page to find out more. Your donation will help to ensure their financial stability and help them continue to support our local communities. A donation, of any size, will be gratefully received and make an enormous difference.