Region's companies sign up for Business Show
It is already attracting a large amount of interest from businesses in the South West and Plymouth Business Show 2013, which will be held on Wednesday 26th June at Plymouth Pavilions, promises to be a key event in the city's calendar.
The show is being organised by the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce with sponsorship courtesy of City College Plymouth and hopes to build on the success of last year's Business Expo held as part of the inaugural Marine City Festival.
Since being announced in January, the event has attracted a huge amount of interest from local businesses. Suzi Cumberland, Events Manager at Plymouth Chamber, said: “The show will be a unique opportunity for businesses to showcase the products and services they have to offer. We are expecting over 500 visitors at the event so there will plenty of opportunities for companies to meet potential customers and network with other local businesses. Booking an exhibition stand is the best way for businesses to ensure that they have a high profile at the event.
Exhibition stands are available at a discounted 'early bird' price of £199* until 31st March 2013 and those who exhibited at last year's Marine City Festival Business Expo are entitled to an additional 10% off.
Attendance at the event is free and open to all. To register for free and find out more information on the event, go to www.plymouthbusinessshow.com
*Prices exclusive of VAT.