Urgent appeal to Devon during National Transplant Week
There are 184 people in Devon waiting for a transplant and 31 Devon residents have died due to the shortage of organs in the last four Years*. NHS Blood and Transplant is highlighting the figures to encourage people to pass on their donation wishes to their loved ones during National Transplant Week 2013 (8-14 July).
This year’s theme is Pass It On, stressing the importance of having a conversation about organ donation as well as joining the NHS Organ Donor Register.
To encourage people, some of the UK’s best known communicators are showing the public how important and easy it is to do.
David Harewood, Kay Burley and Wil Johnson feature in a series of short, memorable films which inspire people to have a conversation about organ donation with their loved ones. Also supporting the campaign is Richard Branson, whose film highlights the need for people to sign up to the NHS Organ Donor Register.
NHS Blood and Transplant is encouraging people in Devon to watch the films at www.youtube.com/transplantweek and talk to those closest to them about their donation wishes and sign up to the Organ Donor Register.
While 95% of families agree to donation if a loved one has discussed their wishes and is registered on the Organ Donor Register, this drops to only 46% when donation wishes aren’t known.
As well as signing up to the NHS Organ Donor Register, it is vital people let those closest to them know that they want to be an organ donor.
Sally Johnson, Director of Organ Donation and Transplantation for NHS Blood and Transplant said:
“Since April, 24 people living in Devon have benefitted from life-saving transplants**.
“To help more people we need everyone, including the 427,108 people on the NHS Organ Donor Register in Devon, to talk to their loved ones about their donation wishes***.
“We need a transformation in donor and family consent to organ donation because the UK’s family refusal rate remains one of the highest in Europe.
“For this year’s National Transplant Week, we hope the people of Devon will Pass It On, we want everyone to be proud of our donation record in the UK.”
Besides having the donation conversation, signing up to the NHS Organ Donor Register remains important. Joining is quick and easy - to register visit www.transplantweek.co.uk, call 0300 123 2323 or text DONATE to 62323.
For further information about National Transplant Week, including information about local events and how people can support the campaign, go to www.transplantweek.co.uk, join us on Facebook, NHS Organ Donation Campaign, and follow us on Twitter @NHSOrganDonor and #passiton.
* Figures on 19 June 2013. Those waiting includes those actively waiting on the list ready for a transplant, and those temporarily suspended due to illness or holidays. Death figures are for period 1 April 2009 – 19 June 2013 and include those on the waiting list and those removed from the waiting list due to deterioration in their condition
** Transplants carried out 1 April 2013-19 June 2013. Figure includes 5 living donor kidney transplants.
*** Number on the NHS Organ Donor Register on 19 June 2013