Poorly pooch needs urgent medical care
Gables Farm Dogs’ and Cats’ Home, formerly Plymouth and District Dogs’ and Cats’ Home, has come to the rescue of a very neglected 9 year old male Japanese Chin who they have named ‘Pretty Boy’.
‘Pretty Boy’ was brought to Gables Farm Dogs’ and Cats’ Home after being found in Cornwall as a stray. The Home heard about his plight via Facebook and when it was brought to their attention that if he was not claimed by his owner he may be humanly euthanized due to his many health problems. Sadly he was not claimed so Gables Farm decided to step in and offer him a rescue space and any veterinary care that he needed. He was in a terrible condition when he arrived. His fur was very matted and dirty so Deputy Manager Ruth Rickard set to work bathing and clipping him to make him feel more comfortable.
Pretty Boy will need to be castrated, he has a large hernia that needs repairing, he is in desperate need of major dental treatment and will need to have several teeth extracted. As well as all of this he needs an x-ray of his front leg, which is currently unusable due to lack of movement in the elbow. This causes him to limp and be very unsteady on his feet. He also needs to have an x-ray of his skull to investigate the cause of one of his eye bulging as he may possibly have a tumour behind this eye.
Marketing and Fundraising Officer Katie Barkell said: “Pretty Boy was in a poor state when he arrived at the Home. His coat was in terrible condition and he had many untreated health problems. It is heart-breaking to see a dog that has been so obviously neglected. Despite all he has been through he is just full of life and loves everyone he meets, he always greets you with a smile and a tail wag. He has all of the staff here wrapped around his little paw.”
It is estimated that it will cost the Home in excess of £800 to treat all of his health problems and ensure that he can live the rest of his life pain free. If they are lucky enough to raise more money than is needed it will go into general funds for the other animals.
The Home has a non-euthanasia policy and never gives up hope of finding a new home for a dog or cat. They will do whatever they can to find a home for an animal; this includes behavioural and veterinary care. All of the animals have a full health check when they arrive at the Home. They are also neutered, vaccinated, microchipped and treated for fleas and worms.
If you can help by making a contribution towards ‘Pretty Boy’s care please call 01752 331602 or visit www.gablesfarm.org.uk to donate online. If Gables Farm is lucky enough to raise more money than is needed it will go into general funds for the other animals.