Plymouth roads to get new lease of life
Twenty more Plymouth roads will get a new lease of life over the next four months as the Council’s resurfacing programme for 2016 gets under way.
The works, which begin on Sunday 3 April, will take place on main routes where the overall road surface is nearing the end of its life or where multiple potholes have developed.
They are being carried out by the Council’s highways contractor Amey alongside its day-to-day road maintenance programme, with 10 gangs carrying out permanent first-time repairs to individual potholes across the city. The Roadmaster will also be back out, repairing smaller areas of road where there are groups of potholes.
Councillor Brian Vincent, Cabinet Member for Streetscene said: “Improving the condition of Plymouth’s road network has been a key priority for the Council and people are seeing the results of the significant investment we’ve made.
“We know there is still work to do and that’s why we’re spending more than £5 million on road and footway repairs this year, despite major funding challenges. We want to build on the improvements we’ve already made and continue our proactive approach to delivering the resilient road network Plymouth deserves.
"We're sorry for any inconvenience the works may cause but I'm sure people will agree it's really important to carry out these repairs to the road network."
April’s works will take place on the following roads and dates:
Union Street
Sunday 3 and Sunday 10 April, 6pm
Monday 11 to Wednesday 13 April, 7pm
Embankment Road
Monday 4 to Thursday 7 April, 8pm
Plymouth Road
Thursday 14 April, 8pm
Sunday 17 to Wednesday 20 April, 8pm
Moorland Road
Thursday 21 April, 7pm
Sunday 24 to Monday 25 April, 7pm
Mutley Plain
Thursday 21 April, 7.30pm
Sunday 24 to Tuesday 26 April, 7.30pm
Derriford Road
Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 April, 7.30pm
Central Park Avenue
Monday 25 to Thursday 28 April, 6.30pm
All of the works will require road or lane closures and residents and businesses nearby are being notified in advance. Access to properties will be maintained as far as possible and any diversion routes will be signposted. Much of the work will be carried out at night to minimise disruption to traffic.
Details of roads being resurfaced after April will be published at www.plymouth.gov.uk/roadrepairs in due course. For the latest updates on road closures and improvement works follow @plymouthroads on Twitter.