Plymouth residents urged to check electoral information is correct
Forms are being posted to over 100,000 households across Plymouth as part of the city council's annual electoral canvass, which checks the right people are registered to vote at each address.
The household enquiry form is sent to every household in the UK and it is a legal requirement to check the details listed and respond – even if you have no changes to make.
The information is collected to ensure the electoral register is up-to-date when it is published in December.
Council Chief Executive Tracey Lee said: “It’s really important to check the form when it arrives and either confirm or amend the details as soon as possible. Look out for a brown envelope with the Council logo, addressed to ‘the occupier’.
“The quickest and easiest way to respond is online. If you’re not already on the electoral register or you have recently moved house you can sign up or change your details at the same time. It only takes a few minutes.
“You can also respond by text, phone or post – full details are included with the form. It’s really important that everyone who is entitled to vote is able to.”
If you need help with the form you can drop in at the city centre 1st Stop or a local library. If you have any questions call Plymouth City Council's electoral services team on 01752 304866 or 304936.
More information is available here.