Masonic laptop gift to Austin Farm Academy
The Freemasons are not the only ones who are aware that due to budgetary constraints there has been a big squeeze in public spending, especially in local government and education resulting in there not being enough funds to meet every child’s needs.
It was when talking with a member of staff at Austin Farm Academy (Primary School) that the Freemasons of St. Georges Lodge who meet at Mount Edgcumbe Masonic Hall Plymouth were made aware that they had some children with physical disabilities who were in desperate need of various equipment, including laptops to aid their learning and development.
There is a computer programme “Clicker” which is a fabulous aid to learning, particularly for writing, specifically designed for children with these kinds of disabilities. The school had purchased the software and licences which cost a considerable amount of money, but the children could only use this on their teacher’s laptop, and so the use was very limited.
It was explained that if these children had a laptop of their own, it would be fantastic for their learning, now and for the future. They would be able to use this both at school and at home too, this would also give them more confidence as an individual, and help them prevent falling behind and generally enable them to do more in school.
This really touched our heart-strings, and after speaking to our hard-working charity steward, Worshipful Brother Paddy Young, he presented the case to our members and they unanimously agreed this would be a great project to support with the charity monies they have worked hard to raise.
The estimated costs of the laptops were £750 to purchase all three, and we were delighted to be able to contact the school and tell them that on behalf of the Brethren of the Lodge of St George, they could go ahead with the purchase that will hopefully enhance the lives of these children.
Pictured with the children from left to right are W.Bro Colin Rogers, W.Bro Ian Southcott (W.M. The Lodge of St George No.2025), Miss Wendy Adams (Deputy Head-Master Austin Farm Primary School) and W.Bro Michael Sendall.