Flowers to flourish in Devonport thanks to help from Tesco
PLYMOUTH people can look forward to an explosion of floral colour across Devonport next spring thanks to funding from Tesco.
Pollenize CIC received £1,000 from the supermarket’s Community Grants scheme to buy hundreds of seed packets to give away to residents, with the aim of growing masses of wild flowers at households in the area.
The rewilding seeds will not only bring blooms to the area but also attract pollinators such as bees, whose numbers have been falling across the South West in recent years.
The scheme is part of Pollenize’s ongoing Citizen Science project, which uses the slogan Think Global, Act Local to encourage people in Plymouth to re-engage with their natural surroundings.
Owen Finnie, joint director at Pollenize CIC, which has been operating for three years, said: “We’re so grateful to Tesco for this funding. We will use it to put seed packets for pollinators into the hands of residents of Devonport, to enable them to engage in pollinator conservation in a simple and effective way, creating a better environment.
“Pollinator decline has been an issue for some time now, and our seed packets will provide a simple way to enable people to engage in enhancing the urban biodiversity.
“The funding will allow people to plant these native wildflower seeds at home and attract pollinators to their garden or window sill, and contribute to creating healthy ecosystems in our urban environment.
“It will also allow for the people who receive the packets to connect back with nature so that they can nurture and improve their wellbeing or their family’s wellbeing.”
“We want Plymouth to lead by example, inspiring other cities to think and act on how we can make our urban environments ecological havens for pollinators and connect communities back to nature."
In addition to the Tesco-backed seeding scheme, Pollenize will be giving each of Plymouth’s 36,000 schoolchildren a packet of seeds to continue supporting pollinators.
Gary Wills, manager at the Transit Way Tesco Superstore, said: “We're so pleased that Pollenize are benefiting from this funding.
"Their work will make a big difference to the community, not just next spring but for years to come, because the seeding scheme is about inspiring people to think about the long-term improvements they can make to their environment.
"I would certainly encourage other good causes in Plymouth to apply for Tesco Community Grants funding. The money is there to help make positive changes now and into the future."
The Tesco Community Grants scheme awards funds to charities and community organisations that make a positive difference to their communities, with £500, £1,000 and £1,500 available. The scheme is run in partnership with the Groundwork charity.
Graham Duxbury, Groundwork’s UK Chief Executive, said: “We’re delighted to be working with Tesco to provide these much-needed funds, which will help to support local communities as we recover from the pandemic.”
To apply for a Tesco Community Grant, visit https://tescocommunitygrants.org.uk/