Great success for new pub landlord
Honiton Pub landlord David exceeds sales forecast in record time and is invited to the Greene King Night of Excellence.
David, the cherished pub landlord of The Heathfield Inn in Honiton has achieved an extraordinary milestone by surpassing his yearly sales forecast in just seven months. This exceptional accomplishment is attributed to David's warm-hearted welcoming approach and dedication to the success of The Heathfield Inn.
One of David’s standout initiatives includes the introduction of new events evenings, notably the highly popular quiz nights, which consistently sell out, catering to over 150 enthusiastic participants. These events have become more than just entertainment; they serve as a platform for bringing the community together.
In recognition of his outstanding achievements, David has been invited to the prestigious Greene King Night of Excellence as a VIP guest. This invitation serves as a testament to David's remarkable contributions to the hospitality industry and his unwavering commitment to excellence.
The Heathfield Inn is popular for its warmth, friendliness, and vibrancy, serving as a hub in the heart of Honiton. Locals and visitors alike gather at the Heathfield Inn to enjoy delicious cuisine and impeccable service, creating an inviting atmosphere that leaves a lasting impression.