Live and Move’s Local Active Lives survey 2024
Residents in Cranbrook are being asked to take part in a survey which aims to find out how much physical activity they do each week.
The survey, developed by the Sport England supported Move More Cranbrook programme, takes place each year to measure whether efforts to make it easier for families to be more active in Cranbrook, are working.
Everybody in Cranbrook is eligible to complete the survey, which is completed online, although paper copies are available at both the Cranbrook Town Council offices at the Younghayes Centre and at EX5-Alive community hub based at the Cranbrook Education Campus, if people prefer to complete it that way instead. A freepost envelope is provided.
Move More Cranbrook’s Matt Rowett says that this piece of research is important for several reasons.
He said: “We know that people in Cranbrook sometimes find it hard to lead active lives for a multitude of reasons, and that the health outcomes are often poorer for them because of that. The local active lives survey helps to keep track of that, and to tell us about the sorts of barriers that get in the way. Crucially, it also tells us which initiatives are working, and therefore what we can do in the future to make it easier for people to lead more active lives.”
Councillor Les Bayliss, Chairman of Cranbrook Town Council said that the council is absolutely committed to supporting this piece of work as it has done since 2019.
He added: “Understanding the thoughts and feelings of Cranbrook residents is paramount, especially when it comes to the local active lives survey, which focuses on health outcomes for our community. Taking just a few minutes to complete online, or by picking up a paper copy from Cranbrook Town Council offices or the community hub at EX5-Alive, residents can contribute to shaping healthier environments for everyone. Their input will undoubtedly make a difference in creating a better and healthier Cranbrook for all its residents.”
The survey runs from now until the end of June and is open to everybody living in Cranbrook. To access the survey, go towww.liveandmove.co.uk/local-active-lives-2024