Devon GPs challenge popular myths about schizophrenia
Doctors in Devon have backed a national charity’s campaign to raise awareness of schizophrenia by challenging popular myths about the illness.
Schizophrenia Awareness Week takes place from 11-17 November and GPs at Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (NEW Devon CCG) are supporting the campaign, which is run by national charity Rethink Mental Illness.
Last year a national independent commission on schizophrenia and psychosis found that a change in attitude towards schizophrenia was needed both in the NHS and wider society.
One of the ways NEW Devon CCG is developing safe and evidence-based mental health services is by involving patients to identify local needs and local expectations.
Dr Stephen Miller, a GP in North Devon and clinical lead for mental health for the Northern Locality of NEW Devon CCG, said he hoped the awareness week would get people talking more about schizophrenia and mental health in general.
Dr Simon Kerr, his colleague and mental health lead for the Eastern Locality of the CCG, added: “Schizophrenia is a long term mental health condition that causes a range of different psychological symptoms, including hallucinations, delusions, muddled thoughts and changes in behaviour.
“It is so important to make the diagnosis of schizophrenia as early as possible and that we can make sure patients have access to appropriate treatment.
“So, we want to encourage people to start talking about schizophrenia and learning about the symptoms of the illness.”
“There are many misconceptions about schizophrenia. For example it is not, as characterised, commonly associated with violent crime. In fact, those suffering from schizophrenia in the community are 14 times more likely to be the victims of a violent crime than to be arrested for one.”
Most services that treat schizophrenia and mental health in Devon are run by Devon Partnership NHS Trust or in Plymouth they are run by Plymouth Community Healthcare.
Dr David Somerfield, Medical Director and Consultant Psychiatrist at Devon Partnership NHS Trust said: "In all of our work, we are trying to reduce the stigma and the myths that are, regrettably, still too often associated with mental illness.
“Our aim is for people to be as comfortable talking about schizophrenia and depression as they are talking about cancer and coronary heart disease."