A survey has been launched to ask people in Plymouth for their views on making health and social care services in the city more joined up.
Work is underway in Plymouth, as in the rest of the country, to develop an integrated service across health and social care to enable us to deliver the right care, at the right time, in the right place. It will be in place by April 2015 and will...
The NHS organisation responsible for commissioning, or buying, healthcare services for the people of Western Devon has elected a new GP chair.
Dr Paul Hardy, a family doctor in Plymouth since 1995, has been voted as chair of the Western Locality of Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (NEW Devon CCG).
Doctors in Devon have backed a national charity’s campaign to raise awareness of schizophrenia by challenging popular myths about the illness.
Schizophrenia Awareness Week takes place from 11-17 November and GPs at Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (NEW Devon CCG) are supporting the campaign, which is run by national charity Rethink Mental Illness....
The NHS has launched a new ‘be clear on cancer’ lung cancer campaign and local doctors in Devon have urged people with symptoms that could suggest lung cancer is the underlying cause, to get it checked out.
The campaign, which will include adverts on TV, radio and newspapers, runs for the whole of July and into the first half of August.
Doctors in Devon are celebrating the 65th birthday of a “national treasure” today – the NHS.
Since the NHS launched on 5 July 1948 it has continually developed and in April this year groups of GPs and clinicians were given the responsibility of buying most healthcare services, including acute hospitals and mental health services.
NHS Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) officially launched today (1 April 2013).
From today local GPs and clinicians will be responsible for buying services for people in the northern, eastern and western areas of Devon from healthcare providers such as local hospitals, the community and mental health services.