Plymouth businesses warned about new scam: Malicious USB drives turning up in the post Businesses in Plymouth are being warned of a brand new scam where cyber criminals are using very old fashioned methods. Normally criminals try to hack into a business’s systems through the internet – often by breaking into someone’s email, or looking for weak passwords. But security researchers have spotted that one criminal gang is now posting out USB drives. “...Tags: USB drivesscamwarningfraudcybersecuritydataDevonPlymouth Read more
Lockdown: “Biggest ever cyber attack” warning for Plymouth businesses The biggest ever cyber attack in history could hit Plymouth businesses before the end of the year – and it’s all because of the lockdown. That’s the prediction from local IT and data security expert Martin Limburn of Limbtec. He believes the urgent changes made to allow people to work from home have inadvertently opened up businesses’ data security. “Hackers look...Tags: LimbteccybersecuritydataPlymouth Read more
Work from home data security warning for Plymouth businesses A local IT expert is warning businesses to get their data security urgently checked, now most staff are working from home. Expert Martin Limburn of Limbtec has seen a dramatic upsurge in hackers taking advantage of the current situation. “These people have no morals. And they are using what’s happening to target businesses that are already struggling,” he explained....Tags: ITcoronavirusdatasecurityLimbtecPlymouth Read more