With sunny weather predicted for this week many people will be encouraged to be outside, whether this is a causal stroll in the countryside or hiking across Dartmoor.
Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service remind walkers and campers to be mindful of the impact and damage that a gorse fire has on the environment.
They also tie up valuable fire resources for some time....
Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service is joining with Fire and Rescue Services across the UK in supporting Fire Sprinkler Week 2015, taking place from 16-22 March.
This is the second annual sprinkler awareness campaign undertaken by Fire and Rescue services and this year is focusing on the way that fitting sprinklers can help businesses and education, by reducing the impact of...
Fire chiefs have welcomed yesterday's announcement that the government plans to introduce vital life-saving legislation on smoke alarms in rented properties ahead of the General Election.
New regulations which make it compulsory for all landlords to fit smoke alarms in rented homes are to be issued by the Government it was announced today at the Local Government Association (LGA)...
Plymouth firefighters will be holding chip pan fire demonstrations in the city centre this week to warn against the dangers of late night frying.
As part of National Chip Week (16-22 February), fire crews will be in Sutton Harbour on Thursday (19 February) lunchtime to show what can happen if a chip pan is left unattended.
Last year, more than half of all accidental fires in...
Fire crews have attended at least six serious fires involving caravans or mobile homes since the start of the year, which caused serious damage to the structures involved.
The Service is issuing advice to caravan owners on how to reduce the risks from fire.
Recent fires involving caravans have occurred at the following locations:
The Service is issuing advice to the owners of thatched properties following a fire which destroyed a thatched cottage in Ide, near Exeter, on Friday (23 January).
Twelve fire engines were at the incident in Little John’s Cross and fire crews have re-visited throughout the weekend to dampen down hotspots.
Firefighters covered neighbouring thatched properties with foam to...
With the New Year underway, Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service are asking people to make one of their resolutions in 2015 to check that their smoke alarms are up to date and are in the right place to protect their home.
Many people see January as an opportunity for a fresh start, and safety should be no exception. So this month we are encouraging everyone to make sure they...
A fire in a flat in Union Street Plymouth has left one man dead and a number of people needing to be rescued.
Emergency services were called to the property at around 2am on Thursday 1st January following reports of a major fire, leading to a mass evacuation including neighbouring flats as the fire spread.
Police closed the road between the Octagon and Stonehouse Bridge to...